Courageous Hearts – Value Beyond Caregiving

I was surprised by the comments my 31 year-old niece put on Facebook after reading Courageous Hearts.

Though I wrote it for those who were caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or knew someone with the disease, she does not fall into either category.

But she expressed kudos for the value it would offer to those who are on that journey and for her as well, should that ever happen to her partner.

I was very touched by her words:

My Aunt wrote a book about her journey of becoming a caregiver for my Uncle who was diagnosed with (and ultimately passed away from) Alzheimer’s.

I think it was beautifully written and I couldn’t put it down!

I was truly blown away by her story and I know that this book will help many many people.

If you or someone you know is embarking on a journey of loving or caring for someone diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Courageous Hearts is an amazing resource.

It also inspired me to be more mindful and patient in my daily interactions with others.

Thank you, Cally.

Cally, Cyndy, Ron

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